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  • How to Use a Coffee Tasting Notebook
    October 8, 2022

    How to Use a Coffee Tasting Notebook

    If you're serious about coffee, you need to be serious about taking tasting notes. Not only will this help you remember the coffees you've liked (and didn't like), but it will also help you identify what flavors and characteristics you enjoy.
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  • Writing Tips - How to Nurture Your Creativity
    September 15, 2020

    Writing Tips - How to Nurture Your Creativity

    All writers experience days when they find it hard to tap into their creative spirit, so it is important to learn how to nurture your creativity and release it into your writing. To tap into your creativity, you need to get into the habit of keeping your eyes and ears open wherever you are. Sometimes it can be the smallest of things that spark off a great idea, so make sure that you are prepared to seize every opportunity. 
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  • 6 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Creative Rut
    August 18, 2020

    6 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Creative Rut

    A creative rut sounds like a formidable opponent, especially if you feel crushed under stress or like your original ideas have all withered or blown away. While it might seem like the blockage could go on forever, feeling stuck is part of the process. Make dry periods temporary with a few tricks to grab yourself by the hand and pull yourself out of the hole.
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  • 7 Ways to Spark Creativity
    July 28, 2020

    7 Ways to Spark Creativity

    Creative flow works differently for everyone, but most people will experience a block at some point in their lives. In stressful times, when the world feels like an uncertain place, it can be challenging to find inspiration and focus. Try these methods to unblock the creative genius inside of you.  
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  • Mind Mapping for Business Development
    March 25, 2020

    Mind Mapping for Business Development

    Mind mapping can be a useful tool for business developers, especially in the initial stages of project planning. By utilizing color and imagery in a non-linear chart, mind mapping stimulates the creative areas of the brain, offering the possibility of a different perspective on business. This article outlines a simple mind mapping process that can be used effectively in the development of business ideas.
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  • Mind Map in a notebook
    January 6, 2020

    What Are Mind Maps and How Do You Use Them?

    Now that you know how mind maps work and how to make them, it’s time to start brainstorming your own. Mind maps can be used for everything from taking notes in class or a meeting, to developing new product ideas. If you’re looking for a way to increase productivity and have some fun while doing it, give mind mapping a try. And be sure to check out our Memo Notepads which are perfect for creating mind maps on the go!
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