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How to Use a Meeting Notebook for Creative Brainstorming and Idea Generation

How to Use a Meeting Notebook for Creative Brainstorming and Idea Generation

Idea generation is key to problem solving, innovation, collaboration, and creativity – all essential elements of any successful business or organization. And while there are many tools available to help foster this process, one of the most useful (and often overlooked) is a meeting notebook. This versatile tool can provide structure and organization to your brainstorming sessions, helping you generate innovative ideas more quickly and efficiently.


In this blog post, we’ll look at the benefits of keeping a meeting notebook – as well as what essential components it should include – in order to maximize the effectiveness of your brainstorming sessions. We’ll also explore several creative strategies for thinking outside the box, with inspiring examples from both corporate and academic settings. In the end, you’ll gain valuable insight into how to use a meeting notebook for creative brainstorming and idea generation.


Benefits of Keeping a Meeting Notebook

Using a meeting notebook can make brainstorming sessions much more convenient and organized than traditional methods. The luxurious paper makes for an enjoyable writing experience that lets you capture each thought without switching between multiple sheets of paper or documents. Additionally, modern notebooks feature two-page spreads that allow two people to write on the same page without disrupting each other’s thoughts – perfect for collaborative environments!


Preparing for an Effective Brainstorming Session

Before beginning any brainstorming session, it’s important to set yourself up for success by taking care of all necessary preparation in advance: Schedule some time away from distractions like emails and phones; set achievable goals; break down big tasks into manageable chunks; bring along all necessary materials; allow plenty of time; create an inviting environment; define expectations ahead of time; research relevant information (if needed); decide on preferred participants; establish ground rules (if necessary); then take a few moments before starting to relax and clear your mind so it will be ready for new ideas.


Creative Strategies for Thinking Outside the Box

Here are two creative strategies that can help you utilize your meeting notebook even further during brainstorming sessions:


1. Divergent Thinking: Divergent thinking involves creating multiple solutions to a single problem by exploring various possibilities outside the norm – exactly what every great brainstorming session needs! Jotting these solutions down in your meeting book will not only keep them organized but also give you something tangible that you can reference later on when making decisions or sharing ideas with colleagues.


2. Mind Mapping: Mind maps are diagrams used to visually express relationships between different concepts related to a single topic or problem area—and they work incredibly well when combined with notebooks! Simply draw circles around related topics or ideas within the page margins of your meeting book then connect them with arrows or lines so that their relationships are clearly visible––voilà! You now have an interactive diagram that gives you easy access to tons of great ideas no matter where you take it!

Examples Of Real-World Applications

Looking at real-world examples can often provide us with valuable insight into how we might be able implement similar techniques ourselves — which is why looking at how others have been successful utilizing their own meeting notebooks may prove incredibly beneficial! For example: James Dyson applied his knowledge of basic engineering principles along with extensive experiments conducted inside his notebook pages over five years in order to invent his groundbreaking bagless vacuum cleaner technology (now known simply as “the Dyson”). Another example could be found in education — British professor Peter Gregory used hand written notes within his meeting book extensively throughout his 25 year career teaching physics at Oxford University in order test various scenarios on practical application within his student lectures.



Keeping track of your thoughts during chaotic brainstorming session can seem daunting task — however transforming them into tangible ideas via journal entries within a meeting notebook offers invaluable clarity throughout this process. By combining divergent thinking, mind mapping techniques along with relevant examples from both corporate and academic backgrounds — anyone utilizing this method will find themselves far better equipped when attempting those tricky problem areas otherwise found only through trial and error alone…all facilitated by one simple tool : A Meeting Notebook!

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